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Flask Backend

This section will deep dive into the Flask backend and the API endpoints that are used in our project.

What you will need:

We will not be going over installing any software as it is a straightforward process.

  • Python
  • Flask
  • MongoDB - for storing data
  • Postman (optional) - good for testing API endpoints

Setting up the Flask Backend

  1. Head to our GitHub repository and clone or download the project to your local machine.

    • Ensure you have the dev branch selected.
    • Head to the directory SafeStep/App_Prototype and open the project in your preferred IDE.
      1. Open Android Studio and click File -> Open ->
      2. Navigate to the SafeStep/App_Prototype directory and select the Server folder.
      3. Click OK and your project should now be open in your preferred IDE.
  2. Set up your Environment Variables:

    • Create a .env file in the root of the Server directory.
    • Add the following environment variables to the .env file:
    • Replace <your_mongo_uri> with your MongoDB URI.
      • Go to MongoDB and create an account.
      • Once signed in, follow the instructions to create a new cluster.
      • Follow the instructions to connect to your cluster and get the URI.
    • Replace <whatever_secret_key_you_want> with a secret key of your choice.
      • Can be any string of your choice.
  3. Once you connect to your MongoDB cluster...

  • Create two collections in your database:
    • users
    • data
      • Make this a time series collection.
  1. Install the required dependencies:
    • Open a terminal in the Server directory and run the following command:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run the Flask server:
    • In the terminal, run the following command:
    • You should see the following output:
      * Running on Running on
      • This means the server is running successfully.


  • GET /
    • Returns 'Hello World! I exist!'
    • Used to check if the server is running, that's all.

User Endpoints

  • POST /register

    • Registers a new user.
    • Requires a JSON body with the following fields:
      • username
      • password
    • Sets up every user with a default profile. (all fields are empty).
    • Returns a JSON message with confirmation or error message.
  • POST /login

    • Logs in a user.
    • Requires a JSON body with the following fields:
      • username
      • password
    • Provides a JWT token for the user to use for authentication.
    • Returns a JSON message with confirmation or error message.
  • GET /data

    • Returns the last 10 data entries from the database for the user.
    • Requires a JWT token in the header.
    • Returns a JSON message with the data entries if successful.
  • GET /data/latest

    • Returns the latest data entry from the database for the user.
    • Requires a JWT token in the header.
    • Returns a JSON message with the data entry if successful.
  • POST /data

    • Adds a new data entry to the database.
    • Requires a JSON body with the following fields:
      • data
        • temperature_data
        • pressure_data
    • Requires a JWT token in the header.
    • Will check if the data is 'abnormal' and mark it as such.
    • Returns a JSON message with confirmation or error message.
  • GET /profile

    • Returns the profile information for the user.
    • Requires a JWT token in the header.
    • Returns a JSON message with the profile information if successful.
  • PUT /profile

    • Updates the profile information for the user.
    • Requires a JSON body with at least ONE of the following fields:
      • name
      • email
      • dob
      • height
      • weight
      • doctor_name
      • doctor_email
    • Requires a JWT token in the header.
    • Returns a JSON message with confirmation or error message.

Good to know

  • There is a file for setting up the server with different configurations.

    • Such as in Development mode, or Production mode.
    • Default is Development mode.
    • This is useful for setting up different environments for testing and production easily.
  • The file contains helper functions for the server.

    • is_abnormal - checks if the data is 'abnormal' and marks it as such. (If x value is > x mark as abnormal)
    • convert_old - converts the obj accordingly:
      • object -> list
      • object -> string
      • object -> dictionary